Need legal advice? Check out the Legal Resource Day!

[Click for flyer]

Need help with transportation to and from Court? Click here to view our Flyer!

Apply for a grant!!

  • The 6th Judicial District Access to Justice (ATJ) Committee welcomes your proposal for reducing barriers to the judicial system and enhancing access to justice. Applicants may be individuals or organizations. The Committee reserves the right to ask for additional information if necessary. Note that the Committee will need receipts for grant expenses. Unspent grant funds must be returned to the Committee. Grant applications are reviewed on the first Tuesday of the month following grant submission. The Committee will attempt to review applications that need more prompt review if necessary. Please indicate this in the grant application below.

  • El Comité de Acceso a la Justicia (ATJ) del 6º Distrito Judicial agradece su propuesta para reducir las barreras al sistema judicial y mejorar el acceso a la justicia. Los solicitantes pueden ser individuos u organizaciones. El Comité se reserva el derecho de pedir información adicional si es necesario.
    Tenga en cuenta que el Comité necesitará recibos de los gastos de la subvención. Los fondos de la subvención que no se hayan gastado deberán devolverse al Comité. Las solicitudes de subvención se revisan el primer martes del mes siguiente a su presentación. El Comité intentará revisar las solicitudes que necesiten una revisión más rápida si es necesario. Por favor, indíquelo en la solicitud de subvención.


Powerpoint Presentations

Colorado Self Help

●      Colorado Legal Help Center - Guiding Coloradans to legal information and resources.

●      Checkerboard  Resources on general civil cases, family law and probate.  Check out an informational flyer HERE, and a flyer about the Checkerboard app HERE, and a flyer of the schedule of free legal clinics held in Ignacio HERE.

●      Colorado Courts Self Help Forms: Court forms & instructions listed by each legal topic, including videos on legal topics and links to other websites such as the Colorado Legal Help Center. Tambien hay varios recursos en español.

●      The Colorado Law Project - The premiere online gateway to Colorado’s legal information and resources for use by the general public.

●      Colorado Bar Association “For the Public” - Brochures, Senior Law Handbook and other resources.

●      Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalitions’ hub for some information on criminal voting rights.

●     Take a Courthouse tour! Learn about where to go and what the courthouse looks like.

Free Legal Assistance

●      Colorado Legal Services 835 E. 2nd Ave., #300, Durango 1-888-298-8483. Self-help website covering multiple topics with FAQs, videos, articles in English and Spanish. Assistance with civil legal issues for low income CO residents who financially qualify. Apply on website, in person or by phone. Colorado Legal Services also offers monthly legal clinics, click here for more information!

●      Local court self-help center: Miriah Sandoval: , 970.385.6179, 1060 East 2nd Ave, Durango. For other locations, see the Colorado Courts Self Help Center locator

●      Translation: If you speak limited or no English and are a party to a case (litigant, defendant, witness, parent, or legal custodian of a juvenile) you have a right to a court-appointed interpreter during court proceedings at no cost to you.  (interpret this into Spanish).

●      Disability Legal Services - Disability Law Colorado

●      Crime Victim Legal Assistance: Alternative Horizons Bridges of Hope Project and Rocky Mountain Victim Law Center

●      Identity Theft:  If you have been a victim of Identity Theft or Fraud, the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is available to help. Call our Hotline, answered 24 hours a day, every day of the year, 855-443-3489.

●       Women’s Resource Center of Durango: Legal services resources. Once per month, the Women’s Resource Center offers legal consultations with a lawyer for $30 on matters of divorce and custody. Clients must be of low to medium income. The program has been made possible by a generous grant from the Colorado Bar Foundation. For more information about the program, contact the Women’s Resource Center at (970) 247-1242.

●       1 hour of free legal advice on Chapter 7 bankruptcy in English and Spanish is available here:

Brochures and Videos

●      Eviction Resources List

Eviction Resources

Business Legal Resources

●      City of Durango - Phone:  970-375-5010 City government information including information for new businesses and licensing.

●      La Plata County -  Phone: 970-382-6210 County Government & Services, business information,  and local resources 

●      Southwest Colorado Small Business Development Center - SBDC at Fort Lewis College provides assistance to small businesses and others who need help in developing their ideas. Covers Archuleta, Dolores, La Plata, Montezuma, & San Juan Counties; Southern Ute and Ute Mountain Ute Indian Tribes.


●      Colorado Access to Justice Commission

●      Durango Public Library -

●      Colorado Innocence Project Receives requests for help from people who believe they have been convicted despite being innocent of any offense, and evaluates these claims to see if factual & legal grounds exist to get back into court. (303) 492-4620 

●      The Denver Bar Association                            

●      The Colorado Attorney General’s Office -  Helpful consumer and business information

●      The Legal Center for People with Disabilities and Older People - Offers publications and resources including “self-advocacy” for various issues

●      Colorado Peak

●      Department of Human Services: cash, food, medical assistance + early childhood services 

●      National Council on Aging: eligibility for government benefits -          


●       Colorado Office of Dispute Resolution - Improving the court experience for all through quality mediation and other dispute resolution services to resolve cases in a prompt, self-determined, and cost-efficient manner.

●      The Mediation Association of Colorado - Supporting mediation as an effective means of resolving disputes of all types.  Connects the public and the courts to our qualified professionals who address the needs of a diverse population across Colorado.

Employment issues



●      Colorado Employment issues –

●      Equal Employment Opportunity issues -  The EEOC enforces federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person's race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information.

Resources in Spanish

●      Formularios e instrucciones por categoría:

●      Translation:

●      If you speak limited or no English and are a party to a case (litigant, defendant, witness, parent, or legal custodian of a juvenile) you have a right to a court-appointed interpreter during court proceedings at no cost to you.  

●      Four Corners Immigration Resource Center - Phone:  970-375-9406.  Supporting all immigrants and their loved ones through advocacy, education, and integrative programs. 

●      Immigration – Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network –

Family Violence Resources

●      The Durango Sexual Assault Services Organization’s (SASO’s) 24 hour hotline at 970-247-5400.

●      Alternative Horizons Domestic Violence Hotline @ (970) 247-9619

●      Mercy Regional Medical Center’s ER SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) program. FLC Police can transport students to Mercy for the SANE exam. Victims can choose to receive care and have evidence collected without making a report to law enforcement.

 ●      Rise Above Violence (Archuleta County)                 

●      Fort Lewis College Title 9